
Some References and Books on Mangroves

    • Barnes, R.S.K., and Hughes, R.N. "An Introduction to Marine Ecology", Chapter 4: Salt-marshes, mangrove swamps and sea-grass meadows, pgs 107 - 118.
    • Bunt et al. (1979) 'A survey method for estimating potential levels of mangrove forest primary production' Mar.Biol. 52: 123-128. Calumpoig and Menez (1997) " Field guide to mangroves, seagrasses and algae of the Phillipines".
    • Chapman, V.J (ed.) (1976) 'Mangrove vegetation' Cramer Vadus 447pp.
    • Icely, J & Jones, D.A., (1978) 'factors affecting distribution of Genus Uca on an East African shore'. Est.and coastal mar.sci 6: 315-325.
    • Lawson, G.W (1966) 'The Littoral Ecology of West Africa'. Ocean.mar.biol. Ann.Rev. 4: 405-448.
    • MacNae, W. (1968) 'A general account of the fauna and flora of mangrove swamps and forests in the Indo-West Pacific region'. Adv.Mar.Biol. 6: 73-270.
    • Tomlinson, P.B "The Botany of Mangroves".
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